
11th gen Ford Thunderbird as well

I don’t know about other models, but on an F-Type if you plug anything into the OBD2 port and then disconnect without a proper shutdown sequence the battery control module freaks out and refuses to go to sleep when the car is off. If you leave it for a couple of days you end up with a dead battery. This means that

Would love to put some steelies on it

Early 2000s Ssangyongs are full of strangeness.

Ironically, the complainer is generating so much noise that the legitimate issues being raised risk being drowned out.

That’s not to say it can’t be improved.

One can be an immigrant and also in favor of immigration reform... Of course it’s the Republicans that keep torpedoing any efforts to do so because they don’t want to lose “But tHe bOrDeR!” as a tool for attacking the administration.

There are plenty of cases where people actually died in which the settlement was nowhere near $1 billion so... yeah

Is Elio still around?

911s are the predictable choice and people who buy them are uninteresting. They are the equivalent of Corvettes for mid-life crisis white guy who doesn't want a domestic car.

After a certain age there should be a test to renew

I have, in the snow

Jaguar F-Type

This has a pretty clear negative externality to the environment but regardless, I don’t understand why one would think a rule is not valid unless someone is being victimized. 

The article is unclear on where the “Belarus” information even originates. Anonymous source A says cars will be rerouted, Instagram poster and Rennlist commenters are just sharing that they are seeing delays, anonymous source B says the dealer sent them vague information, and PCNA just says “customs issue.”

Nissan has done this before, but for a much lower price and it was a complete flop.

The US News article linked says, “With only towels around their waists, patrons aboard a floating sauna in a Norwegian fjord rescued two people whose car had plunged into the water.”

I have one as well... Perfectly usable as a daily. Starts up every time and drives more or less like a modern car. The only reason I don’t daily it year-round is because of the salt on the roads in the winter.

A few weeks ago there was a Toyota Camry Solara on BaT. I had one as my first car and have fond memories of it but there is nothing “classic, collector, [or] enthusiast” about that car.
