‘Cuz I’m young and I’m black and my hat’s real low? Do I look like a mind reader, sir? I dunno.
‘Cuz I’m young and I’m black and my hat’s real low? Do I look like a mind reader, sir? I dunno.
Wow, this is the most fucked up comment I’ve seen here in a long time. Congratulations! Even racist dipshits usually have the sense to try to not make it so blatantly obvious.
Suzuki Jimny. I rented one in Europe a few weeks ago and absolutely fell in love with it. The closest thing we have is a Wrangler and I’m not even a little bit interested in that.
I’m glad I didn’t see anything that I’m actually waiting to turn 25 years old. I don’t need speculators driving the prices up.
I think the lime green one looks too modern to be an AMC Eagle; my guess is that it’s something like a Skoda Octavia. There’s also what appears to be a Renault 5 in the bottom left, two Nissan GT-Rs, and a Nissan Leaf... But what’s bothering me the most is the car on the bottom right. It’s distinctive and I know I’ll…
Video of the car doing donuts... Completely bald rear tires... Car upside-down... It all checks out
It’s like a first-gen Mercedes CLS was left out in the sun and melted further
Generic Crossover A. I honestly can’t tell anymore and I don’t care.
I bought a Mk7 GTI for around 25% off list price a few months after Dieselgate came to light. Dealers were desperate to sell anything and 7 years later I’m still enjoying it as my primary driver.
I mean... I’ve never met a sane person who felt compelled to go shoot a gun at an airport.
Also an F-Type owner here and agree with all stated points. I know a 911 is a better car but I bought the F-Type for the sound and looks and besides, everyone has a 911 around these parts.
Based on what I heard from someone who actually owned one, it’s not only that but also the fact that you literally need to keep up on fighter pilot training which requires regularly flying the thing. Otherwise your eyes and brain quickly fall out of practice.
The Aero L-39C is like the Toyota Camry of fighter jets. Take your pick:
There is nothing irrational about my hate for “coupe” SUVs. They’re uglier and less practical and more expensive than the standard model.
The Plymouth Sapporo was only called that in North America and is named for Japan’s 5th largest city, which to Americans apparently sounded more exotic than “Mitsubishi Galant”