
BaT has really jumped the shark; the average quality and interestingness of listings has really gone downhill now that they post upwards of 80 new listings each day. It also annoys me that it's become a platform for the same 10 or so sellers to list similar cars over and over, while the rest of us have a hard time

I wouldn’t expect the one on BaT to sell for much less than $80,000

The worst thing about driving in America is Americans.

Please stop lamenting the demise of the manual when all you people do is claim that buying new is for suckers and that you’ll let someone else take the depreciation hit.

I’m getting sick of infotainment systems that are poorly designed and force people to spend time looking at the screen to perform basic operations like adjusting the climate control.

The Audi C6 A6 had the glove box release next to the center screen for no apparent reason.

Saab had it on the center console.

Jalopnik losing so many writers that they’re really having to branch out beyond humans to find willing contributors.

I’m ok with God taking the wheel as long as he also takes the pedals.

Buy what you like and care about, not what others like.

All Demons to sell on BaT were basically undriven. In fact I'm pretty convinced at this point that no one has actually driven theirs.

$68,750 for a 2006 with 33K miles? Hard pass, no deal. That’s about $20K too high. Here is one recent data point:

I did this and have no regrets.

Rear fog lights are allowed in the US but only on one side and there are already far too many people that drive around with them on all the time. 

Just consider the purpose of needing higher octane fuel and the answer becomes clear - higher octane fuel can withstand higher compression before detonating. If the engine isn’t designed for it then it’s a waste of money.

It all just rings hollow when the article is literally right below a Kinja Deals post wherein the company hawks various wares through Amazon commission links.

Summer 2013

He didn’t want to get hit with the one-way rental charge.

I hope that sweet deli slicer is included otherwise it’s no dice.

F-Type (pre-facelift) owner here. I have a design sketch print from Jaguar and the signature on it is that of Matthew Beaven, Chief Exterior Designer. His name is also on the design patent filing with the USPTO as the “inventor” (D684095 if you’re curious)