
I've always liked my vegetables...why do kids not like them again?

XBone sells well, PS4 sells well, WiiU sells well, developers investing on better games, we get more high quality games to play, everyone is fucking winning and happy! :D

It wasn't sarcasm, nasterisk. I meant what I said. I even had a discussion with my wife about it later on. She told me I was a fool for taking the meme literally, but some of the people I know really WOULD blame Obama for spilling their latte. So, sometimes that line between satire and sincerity is difficult to judge,

I used to think when I graduated college, I'd have more time for games. It doesn't quite work out like that.

It's like maintaining a vast empire. You're dealing with an uprising in the Syrian province, but hardly have you done that, when some germanic thugs cross the Rhine and so *their* heads have to be busted. And you start on that, but the Britons have declared their own emperor, and so you have to go to Britain, but your

I drew the issue of the comic Hawken Melee issue 4 (i think) it should be in stores soon.

is that why Muk looks the way he does?

I just threw my 360 in the garbage a few hours ago, I probably should have read your comment first :/

Because it's obviously up to one person to decide whether a country is offended. Obama's done more for the honkies, than the brothers, you just don't appreciate it.

Ok, I'm sensitive to the fact that yes, historically it was common for blacks in America to be lynched, killed, set on fire etc.

I also hear it's turning those same 7-12 year olds into cold-blooded killers.

My wife and I play Burnout 3 together all the time on the PS2. It's a timeless classic.

Could not agree more. After Burnout 3 I hated all the rest. Though that final Indy car race was brutal. B3 had the best crash mode, the best take down and race modes, and overall it was just the most fun. A bit punishing at times, but really really fun.

No. No. No. No. No. What. Why.

Hey quick question. Is sunday comics not running this week?

Scroll to the bottom.

You lied. You didn't take a peek at my photoshop entries :(
Letting your new friend down the first day you become friends? Not cool bro.

Yeah the game's sped up quite a bit since the old days, and the power curve on some cards has shot right up.

Yep, each of the 3 gods is out and Slifer and Obelisk at least are pretty good representations of their anime counterparts. Ra is completely against the spirit of the card though, it can't be special summoned,