flannel and ripped corduroy =/= “punk”
That’s impossible, blue base is incredibly difficult to remove, she would have had to bleach it out with at 20-30 volume cream. What a fucking moron. She doesn’t get to say she was punk or any type of rebellious kid. Fuck her and her family.
she “dyed my hair blue. Mom wasn’t a fan of this decision. She took one look at me and immediately went out to the nearest drugstore to buy a $10 box of Nice’n Easy. That night, she forced me to dye my hair back to blond.”
You motherfucker.
As someone with a mohawk and tattoos: We punks respectfully refuse your application to join our club.
Let’s just talk logistics: there is zero way a teenager with a box of Nice & Easy dye could go from blue to blonde, especially with fresh blue dye. Zero. Zip. Not happening. Anyone who has ever dyed their hair ever would know this.
“ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts”=/= punk
Did someone say Richard Spencer?
Wait, why is UF obligated to provide him a platform? He can go stand on a street corner and shout from his soap box. The first amendment doesn’t owe you a microphone.
“but Spencer has since threatened to sue over free speech rights”
What the hell are Michigan and Wisconsin doing with the good States?
Here’s the deal...
They did give it three years, but, yes, surely, like our great-great-grandparents, they should be obliged to stay together for life on the off chance one of them might be happy at some point in there.
I don’t know...after 3 years, if I were unhappy, I don’t think I’d stick around to see if maybe it got better 20 years from now.
Emma Thompson continues to be a goddess
I adore Tom Hanks.