Yessssssss! Just had to blast some idiot about this. All these mean-well white folk saying this is equivalent to the “many sides” Trump bullshit and “Will somebody, please, think of the white people”. No. White people gonna be alright even when outed as racists so what the fuck makes you think they aren’t gonna be…
Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted…
Can I be ok with it when it’s right and hate it when it fucks up an innocent dude’s life? Like that professor from Arkansas?
They are so tough in their gangs at their backs - I mean the police, of course. One fired a gun, those animals beat our brother and the cops watched it all happen, while probably thinking - “we’re missing out on all this action”.
It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.
So how long before he appears in court wearing glasses and a preppy haircut while his lawyers talks about childish mistakes, poor upbringing, and not wanting to ruin a young life, leading to a most likely White jury clearing him of charges?
To put it charitably, it does not seem like your boyfriend is understanding the scope of the stress you are under. Your needs are just as important as his. His need to have sex is not more important than your life stress and separate sex anxiety. In particular, I really do not like that he steam-rolled over your…
Topic: possible vaginismus and sexual trouble with my guy. TMI of course, but I read a thread about this sometime this week so I thought you guys could help.
You guys, I just got my hair professionally colored for the first time in more than a year and this is so shallow but now I feel invincible. What is your self-indulgent beauty thing that makes you feel like a superhero fairy queen? I want to do all of them.
Hey friends! I’m having a woe-is-me night where I’m feeling lonely and disconnected. I moved to a new town last year and still only have one friend other than my partner. Just saw a photo of a bunch of my friends from my previous city all at the beach together and now I’m feeling left out. Any words of advice for how…
Hi friends. First, throwing out the fundraising page for the march from Charlottesville to DC:
ITA. Girl could shut her entire enterprise down right now and buy that farm and never worry about money again.
So what if she does. A vindictive mother would still only get, what, maybe 50%.
“It would be a good feeling to just live a normal life for a second.”
You know that scene from Broadcast News where they’re editing that report to the very last possible second? Holly Hunter is completely cool about it but Joan Cusack is hyperventilating and screaming “We’re never gonna make it!” Robert Mueller is Holly Hunter and I and a lot of other people are Joan Cusack.
What better way to be a law and order politician than to pardon a man for willfully ignoring the rule of law!
This is a huge win. Sadly, it won’t make much of a difference in peoples’ every day lives. People will still be targeted and persecuted within their own communities, in rural areas and most towns. Only the most cosmopolitan and progressive cities, like Mumbai, and the very upper classes, i.e. wealthy, have large…