
People playing at being poor makes me crazy. It’s why I detest On The Road so much. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of middle-class white dudes wax poetic about issues that don’t effect them I would join the Republican party.

At some point in the first few episodes (the show made me rage-y and I quit), she behaves so unnecessarily terrible at her job that she gets fired, refuses her dad’s money because reasons, then GOES INTO A DUMPSTER TO FIND FOOD. I want to find the people who think that is funny and/or relatable, and punch them.

She doesn’t understand that the main character isn’t likable.

It was a good show

I haven’t seen it but it’s *insert grumpy cat meme* good that a shitty human being isn’t being further rewarded with visibility and money.

a useful rule of thumb is that if you’re going to make another show about an entitled white millennial, it’d better be damn good—

What a little cunt.

You leave poor Ivanka alone she’s just a hard working mother with a couple nannies at home trying to make a living and stealing a shoe design here and there.

Well she definitely learned from the knee of her father, no need to make anything, just slap your name/brand on it. It’s probably cheaper to copy and fight it with lawyers then come up with something original.

Ivanka trump is the most life-like animatronic robot I have ever seen. She must have cost a fortune.

Wow, I find it super fascinating that two virtually identical shoes can look so different. And by that, I mean that somehow the original shoe looks elegant, and the ripoff looks super gaudy and trashy. The floof across the top of the foot is much neater on the original (the ripoff looks like a catnip-infused feather

Every time I see MAGA, I immediately think of an immature acronym my friend came up with in the 7th grade:

DJT’s official statement on the matter:

Just like her daddy, she’s a lying liar. Claims she’s this awesome CEO of her company, super involved in everything, but then throws her team under the bus when the pressure’s on. Nope, the buck does not stop here.

Pretty damn blatant counterfeit.

I do also love that it’s a Trump family trait to have your words come back to bite you in the ass. (Sort of, anyway.)

Libs and Dems and the FAKE NEWS media attacking Ivanka over shoes she did not dezine. SAD. #MAGA


OH MY LORD I don’t even know where to start! Girl. (Or Man!!!). He posted all the crazyass screenshots of their texts. Then he has videos. There is one where this girl is drunk as hell, sitting on the floor, blood all over her, BLOOD ON THE FLOOR and this crazy son of a bitch is standing over her yelling “AND YOU DID

Yeah honestly, he’s really trying to play up the “this happened because I’m a black man” angle and frame this around the fragile white women trying to take down the scary black man narrative. And as a man of color, I don’t buy it. Like Jen said down below, his writing and social media commentary are masturbatory and,

His whole entire timeline is filled with receipts; Kate just gave us the jumping off point. He’s been tweeting like this for hours and hours. He has screenshots of text messages, videos of her, pictures of him literally mailing checks, etc. etc.