
Really? What's the schedule next week? Parks is airing next week so are The Office or Up All Night on break?

He asked which bus to take. I took it as a Chinatown Bus joke, though I guess I could be missing a pop culture reference.

"Are you aware you aren't wearing pants?"

It's possible they don't know yet whether she's going to win or lose. I imagine that Ron vacating his position to become Deputy City Manager would be a one-or-the-other type thing: either Leslie wins and becomes a city councillor, or she loses but gets promoted.

I'm sure they will soon.

Yeah, why would Ryan or Gabe strip naked in front of their co-workers? I mean I could sort of buy Robert California, given his dreams of bacchanalia and general weirdness.

Yeah, I'm not totally caught up on S5 - they didn't have an episode where Jonathan left or something did they?

I just rewatched it and liked it better second time around. Like others, I have some concerns about whether they're overusing "Andy is dumb" gags, but it was a solid episode. I think it may just have suffered somewhat in people's estimation because last week's was so good.

How much is Daniels involved day-to-day in Parks anyway, though? I feel like Schur is the real show-runner - he's always the one doing interviews and promotion.

It probably worked well for a casual viewer. I think those of us obsessive enough to comment on the show here were a little more disappointed, esp. because the last several episodes (esp. last week's) were so good.

Daniels *might* leave the show next year though. He has a script for NBC for Friday Night Dinner (another British sitcom adaptation), so if that gets picked up…

Ha! OK, thanks.

I don't think Andy was inconsistent with how he was portrayed previously. I mean, he was living in a tent in a pit in S2. It's just that I worry they risk overusing it. I enjoyed that plot just fine - but it was merely amusing.

Well if it's like The Office this season will by the end prove uneven, but S5 will see a rebound.

That screen grab looks like it's from a future episode entirely.

Yeah, Andy's schtick works better when it's in smaller doses - or part of a larger plot.

I was sort of expecting more cunning evil, i.e. what we saw back in S2's "Sweetums."

I don't know that it was the weakest, but yeah, a little too much stupid for me. I'd have found Andy's stupidity funnier if we also weren't dealing with Bobby Newport's stupidity. And I was kind of hoping Bobby would be more like Nick Newport, Jr. - i.e. sort of evil.

NBC will broadcast all 22 episodes of The Firm, because Sony - which is producing the show and has intl' commitments for it - is basically paying them to broadcast it.

Yeah, although right now the plan is to put Rock Center in another dead zone - Wednesday 9pm.