Yeah, how old is this daughter? Early-to-mid 20s? Chris is 44, right? So he's probably still around twice her age.
Yeah, how old is this daughter? Early-to-mid 20s? Chris is 44, right? So he's probably still around twice her age.
Nope, C-.
That's why I liked this episode - in the last two - especially "Ron and Tammys" he's been way more out there. He seemed like a much more believable character this week, and his character wouldn't work without that balance.
Brandanowicz was pretty funny, but as a character he was completely redundant when Ben came along.
I would have given it an A-. I liked it a lot better than either of the last two - "Born & Raised" had some great moments but overall seemed a little "meh" to me. And while "Ron and Tammys" was very funny, it was so cartoony that it seemed entirely outside the normal Parks universe. (Yeah, Pawnee is kind of wacky, but…
At first, the Ann plots this season were annoying me precisely because they were playing up the awkwardness. But at this point, I'm pretty sure that's intentional, and they're deliberately making it so Ann isn't fitting into the group well. I'm interested in seeing where this goes.
Well, if they're smart they'd dress like Ben. Most 30-something guys in small midwestern cities don't really have a clue about men's fashion, though.
I kinda think he'd be good on Mad Men.
Sorta true - it ain't what "hip, young" professionals in public service would wear in a small Midwestern town.
Is Ben Wyatt's wardrobe just Adam Scott's wardrobe, though? In his Jimmy Kimmel interview, he wore what appeared to be the exact same tweed blazer he's worn several times on P&R.
P&R is my favorite comedy on TV, bar none. Personally though, I haven't been crazy about the last two episodes. Last week's was fine, and had some great lines, but the overall plot was sort of "meh." And "Ron and Tammys" really bugged me. In terms of laughs per minute, it was great. But it was so cartoony that it…
I'd go with something from Season 2. "The Camel," would probably be my pick, although "The Stakeout," "Practice Date," and "Sweetums" would work really well, too.
Well, Community isn't really a show about community college.
They're probably better off for it, frankly. With smaller viewershare, they can go for niche programming and if they keep the shows alive for 4-5 seasons, earn a decent amount from syndication rights and DVD/download sales.
I think you could get away with an abbreviated S1 - just watch the Pilot and then skip ahead to "Rock Show."
Agreed, "Pawnee Zoo" is great. Way funnier than anything in S1.
"Rock Show" (S1, E6) is a dramatic improvement over the rest of the season, mainly because that was where they did a total 180 with Leslie, toning her way down and making her far more sympathetic and relatable. (They also involved the rest of the cast better with the B-story.)
They need to find someone else in the cast besides Leslie with whom Ann can have a normal interaction. April's hostility to Ann works well in one-liners, but stretched out it becomes just a pale version of The Office's awkwardness. They could boost Donna's role, perhaps. Her interactions with Ann in S3 were great.
Not sure I agree with the A rating on this one. The best "Parks" episodes have some heart and subtlety. This one did not. In fact it was one of the sillier, more over-the-top episodes they've ever done.