
@Duuuuuuude: I am not sure I ever did it. As a youngun, it took me about a month to 100% Mario 64. Galaxy took me about two days, Galaxy 2 has taken me about a full day.

@Rampage: Not really. The first one starts off a little easier, this one heaps it on a bit early on. If you're familiar at all with platformers and you have the inkling to pick this up, by all means.

I'm at 116 stars. Having a bit of trouble / sleep deprivation.

@jebsalump: I'm pretty much a hardcore nintendo fanboy. I still want news, though.

Going to go ahead and wager that it's not actually him, since the game was leaked to the internet just today.

@DukeOfPwn: One of many reasons I stopped reading that site long, long ago. I know kotaku isn't perfect, but the level of bias coupled with his refusal to read the articles he summarizes ... makes GoNintendo a fairly worthless site.

@Vargas: I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean by this. Can you elaborate on the problem for me?

@ToastyUterus: I thought Fallout 3 was great — but it was so buggy, I am kind of upset it is on this list.

@gcerda88: Yes, it might seem unfair to count all of them, but I believe the PS2 figures include all of the variations of the PS2 — there were at least 15 revisions.

@TheMightyEthan: ...Why wouldn't we be able to really call it that?

@VileMethoD: I think you are delusional if the wii taught them anything other than "Holy hell, this strategy worked with a vengeance!" — This has been their most successful generation EVER. What lesson would they have learned, exactly?

I played this mutation just earlier on the first campaign. We tried it on normal just to gauge how difficult it was. Gave us a pretty good run for our money, and it feels as though the director spawns hoards almost continuously, adding another bit of challenge to the mix.

@AOClaus: Yes. I found it nearly impossible to use anything but VATS on the 360. The tiny cursor and sluggish movement made VATS a crutch more than a "Cool feature".

@Kobun: Just wagering that they red ring'd.

@Nihilexistentialist: It was touted as a major feature. In fact, Sony themselves refer to it as a "Home Entertainment Computer", specifically downplaying that it is a "Console". For perspective: Microsoft was sued for hojillions because they shipped IE with their own OS. Sony is in a bit of trouble.

@Haikummentor: Actually, I think it's the booster hill race music.

@chewblaha: I assume I hit a cache and by the time I post this, eight other people will have explained it.