
@Mike Fahey: I don't really know what angle FamiCube64 was digging at, but I think this article disappoints me because of Zynga's decidedly anti-gamer stances at a few points; In my eyes, they are nothing more than an Ad company — and FarmVille an interactive ad.

I certainly don't want to be THAT GUY but I am having some deja vu here and I think I have seen this before.

Num 4 is making me bust a gut.

@Jon Q: I'm hoping for a few city rebadges first.

@Duin: I believe it's for GT5, and it was at 80 million as of 2008. So it is higher by now.

@aawells07: I was mostly being facetious.

@Nulls: Snitches get Stitches.

@AmataPsyche: I guess we used to say the same thing about people with wheelchairs wishing they could use stairs, but now we have the Americans with Disabilities act!

@IvanDashSmith: I believe the convention is to use Orange/Blue as a more friendly colorblind option.

@TheOmnitron: This isn't 4chan. Treat the other commenters with respect, please.

Pokemon news makes me feel, year after year, just like a little kid again.

@Hi-Im-Asylum: I agree. All future music releases should be digital only; CD and DVD players should be unsupported; books should be burned in favor of E-readers, and all video game disc formats abandoned in favor of DLC.

@Manly_McBeeferton: They're not "very common" ... or at least, it depends on what you mean by common. I might be recalling incorrectly here but I thought that less than 50% of 360 owners had a TV that supported greater than 480P.

@Azquelt: Yeah, I was thinking the same myself. I have a bunch of nylon coffee filters I use for this purpose. I do first filtration on a nylon filter, then second filtration on a paper filter.

@Rutty14: Yeah. Each color is a skittles flavor.

I like that they have skittles vodka on their coffee table :)

@Donutta: I'm not sure about the PS3, but at least in the Wii's case, it does have a 1cent:1point ratio, which is less confusing than microsoft's imaginary currency.