
@spiderweb1986: But will it go on sale for cheaper than $7.49 in the foreseeable future? :

First L4D is just $7.49 on steam now. Great deal if you've not yet had the pleasure.

@Karth is Ego Tripping: A dream I've had is some kind of OoT+MM double-feature remake into one big game with the TP engine.

@Jeremy Grandorff: One of the single best comic panels on the internet to date.

@Koda89: glorious upvote for benefit kotaku!

@dowingba: To me, this is insightful and I find meaning within it. Caring about dying in a mario game?

@Railgun5: DSi screens over NINETY PERCENT of his body.

@Pezdispenser: I know a few people who believe in him in this way, and I'm OK with that.

@High Speed Indeed: Or cruel desire to lie to you; building up your hopes and dreams so that they might be crushed spectacularly by the mediocrity of the real world.

We can't handle xbox vs. ps3 arguments, let alone political ideologies ;)

Clearly this program is only because he wants children to put down their xboxes and go outside...

@WarlordPayne: ...I agree with you. I am curious to hold one myself and see if it is comfortable. I may actually want one.

@xxnike629xx: If you have ever once thought that playing GBA or GB games on your TV was a cool idea, I will haunt you from my grave about the "less dpi" argument.

@Akio_Morita: realistically because they own most of our debt.

I am ... kind of disappointed by the tone of your writeup. I find this research to be very interesting, and if we want more realistic simulations, it's a fair read.

@heavyglow: It's not AVG 9 related exclusively. It happens to me too, I don't run that program.

Is it just me, or does Ellis' facebook page only have one status update (his current) and nothing else? Not even wall posts from other friends, nothing?

@brendanhayworth: The quotes from Ellis on youtube and the status update from facebook suggest these things take place the week of the infection. (Or the week prior to the game?)

@BlueToast: So ultimately the explanation is that they have finite resources, so good games that would make money, just not as MUCH money as others, get passed over.