
My wife is allergic...what do I win?

@NaeemTHM: Back in the dark ages of computing (around 1998) a salesman suckered me into buying one of these. I swear he said I would never need an upgrade -___-

Pffft...I got my machine that NEVER needs an upgrade!

@hostile-17: Yeah but what about the 400 million people that DON'T want to do that?

@Swamphunter: Yeah but the level design in both those games was much more than a line.

@resonance462: I agree but for some reason the liner path doesn't bother me as much...I guess it's because Uncharted (especially 2) is like an interactive movie.

@bonneyt: Yep can't stand them either.

@Hami83: "Heck 3DS is barely a revolution. Aside from the 3D screen, it's behind on everything still. "

@yanipheonu: But they're not. In fact, Move and Kinect games are far worse.

I want it...but not 105 dollars want it.

@agentgray: I'm still in awe that a show as good as Spectacular Spider-Man exist in a post-DC Animated Universe world.