
I thought this was neat on Android, but I could never get it to recognize more than a few items (out of nearly 50 pictures).

WARNING: Crap tie in game in coming!

8-Bit games and touchscreens just don't mix very well. I sense much frustration in the future for everyone that gets this app.

@JimboLodisC: Really? That's what you're touting?

@corpore-metal: But space wizards with in a future past is alllllirght!

@Finstern: Oh god that was so excellent. And that's just a small sample of the constant hilarity!

@JoanneBaby: Also this is for good apps not terrible freeware.

iPhone 4! I want an iPhone 4!

@elmorepow: Whoa you're right! I just checked out some gameplay footage and he does look even better.

@Golgari: You know what you might be right.

When I first heard the price I scoffed.

Is it me or does this look BETTER than the PS2 game?

@Dan2593: Kinda hard to choose your own adventure in a trailer bub.

@IphtashuFitz: Yeah seriously what's the deal with that?! Sometimes my face will end my call or hit speaker...I never had this problem with my iPhone 3GS.