You know this does explain the black turtle necks.
You know this does explain the black turtle necks.
@Archaotic: Well that's good news.
@Foxith: Exactly! I'm something of a Ninja Gaiden fanatic so I bought the game twice. The 360 version was a bit more visceral so it's still worth playing in my opinion.
Just give me NGII's awesome ninja tornado action with Ninja Gaiden Black's levels and varied enemies and I'll be happy. I really loved NGII's over the top Kill Bill style dismembering but disliked how repetitive things got by the games end.'s been out for half the time yet the iPod Touch/iPhone still trounces the PSP.
@Canon7D-Fanboy: I have to admit that does sound pretty badass.
@OMG! Xeraphim: Thanks for the info. To be quite honest I was wondering if I could run Steam/Windows only games properly in Parallels without setting my Macbook on fire.
Anyone here have Parallel? Is it better/comparable to dual booting?
@William Jones: Yeah I hear they locked it at sub 30 FPS for HDMI output reasons. But hell I don't even use the feature. I would rather have smoother scrolling.
D'oh...look at my Evo up there. It's supposed to be such a powerful phone!
@tlewallen: With the new gyroscope iPod and iPhone you can fart with 360 degrees of freedom!
@KingHippo: Probably because Famistu is a joke and the industry knows it.
@Finstern: Giant Bomb is perhaps the greatest video game podcast in existence.
Pretty damn cool!
@AreWeThereYeti: Oh I'm aware. In fact I only know of 2 or 3 people on XDA that had the same problem. thank you. I've had my fill of unofficial releases.
@Solid2TheSnake: 2 years later is a normal development cycle for sequels nowadays.
Yes! Never let the dream die.
It would have been pant's changingly awesome if the dock was an X-Wing.
@pixelchild: I don't think we're (well not all of us) are being fanboys.