
Sega picked it up?! NOOOOOOO! They have the reverse midas touch...everything they touch turns to shit.

The marketing team behind this game deserves some kind of prize.

Ha.....hard mode?! Mega Man defaults at hard mode. These new modes need to be renamed "You need to be a gaming god to play" and "lol who are you kidding?"

You know...the main Resident Evil series has always been stellar. Even the 3rd game (which a lot of people hate for some reason.)

THIS they have problems with but Sim's 2 Corrective Eye Surgery is no problem. is he getting a PS3 or what? I actually don't own a PS3 for the same reason. The only game that I want on the system is MGS4.

Rock on GRIN! Way to bring back the good ol' days of know before all the hand holding.

I have an iPhone and I'm a giant NIN fanboy. Therefore: Instant download.

Awesome! iPhone is really coming into it's own in terms of gaming. I just hope developers try more new things rather than shoe horn existing ideas onto a platform that just cannot handle traditional gameplay.

I have the sudden urge to become a video game journalist.

EXCELLENT! Puzzle Quest in meetings, on the bowl, while my wife is talking, at funerals, during sex, while playing Puzzle Quest on Xbox Live, and on the drive to work?