
“Here’s 100 million dollars, go and make a Star War”

“Save... Mothma”

NZ folded and changed workplace labour laws for the original LotR movies. The Hobbit Law meant anyone working in the film industry can only be considered a contractor, not an employee. No union, none of many of the benefits that a regular employee gets.

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Helpful coverage of that angle by Lindsay Ellis.

The hobbits were inventing golf.

Rehabilitation and release seems reasonable for a crime committed by a pre-teen. But I also think the mental health issues they had were clearly brought on somewhat by what started out as a voluntary obsession. Hopefully she stays clear of the obsessive parts of the internet.

I’m reading GETTR as “get her” or even Get ‘er( as in get’er done). I am not reading it as “Go Getter”. What I’m trying to say is, It’s dumb.

“You know, I could point out that it’s not the future and there isn’t a war, but you know me, I don’t like to complain.”

4ourever Purge

I seem to be taking this a lot less seriously than some because I enjoyed this episode. Plus, of COURSE Loki would fall in love with himself. As for a sympathetic Loki, he has been portrayed so many different ways in the MCU that this doesn’t trouble me at all. After all, even the “Sacred Timeline” Loki got a

My Catholic high school did the same thing to the girls, but let the boys off the hook because, well, we “know” she’s a pregnant whore (priest's words)  so for all anyone knew she could be a lying pregnant whore, so why ruin a boy’s life on her word. This was in the before times of DNA matches, so other than a blood

At my parochial HS it was standard practice for girls to be expelled if they got pregnant but a well known fact that the boy who got her pregnant would never see reprisal. In one particularly provocative case a very popular senior got pregnant and everyone knew who the father was (he was also a student). I asked the

We really do give religious institutions too much freedom in this country. Freedom of religion should come with an equal right to be free from the constraints of religions too. If your religion says not to get knocked up out of wedlock, then you don’t do it. You shouldn’t get to punish anyone else for it though, same

According to the Guttmacher Institute, 99% of Catholic women have been on some form of hormonal birth control at one point in their childbearing years.

I went to Catholic school for all of grade school and high school and the way they argue it is that they usually make you sign a “Morality clause” when you sign your contract. The morality clause says you’ll follow the laws of the church. So the schools like to argue that it’s breach of contract more than anything.

There’s a theory going around either in this thread or its IO9 counterpart that Loki actually put the building back by using a Time Gem he swiped from the office in the first episode. 

Oh, I hear you there! PT is my doctor’s favorite go-to, along with ‘well, let’s get some new xrays/MRI/blood tests’ that never manage to show anything. At this point, I’ve stopped even looking up when the new idea trains pull in - at least if I stay at the station, I KNOW what the fuck I’m in for. much this....I ride the merry go round of “Have you tried physical therapy/ nerve ablation/ medical marijuana?” right back to the sucks-to-be-you station.

This is one thing that the opioid epidemic also f*cked up - opioids are were this groundbreaking medication that improved the lives of people who had never experienced pain relief before. But the Sackler family couldn’t be satisfied with the money they made honestly, and now people who legitimately need opioids and

Pain management in this country is fucked the hell up. There’s a deeply Puritanical belief that pain is somehow ‘strengthening’ and that gritting your teeth and getting through pain will make you a better person. Anybody who takes more than aspirin/tylenol/ibuprofen for more than the most severe pain is viewed as a