
Ever since I was widowed: “I don’t know how you do it.” Besides killing myself, I don’t have any other choice. Followed by “You’re so brave.” I’m not brave. I’m just annoyed by the way you're acting around me.

Yes, unfortunately. I remember when SNS took hours to read due to all the comments.

So, this was a super weird week. In both good and bad ways. Sunday night my mom called and told me she was coming the next day for her rocker and some little things and wanted me to haul it up to her friend’s car, which, my house isn’t ready for guests, there’s a lot to do and like no time to do it right now. I did as

Yesterday I paid off my student loans, 5 years ahead of schedule. I’ve been making triple payments for the last 16 months.

I ordered potato puffs for a Christmas party for a group from a caterer.  They served tater tots at the party.  I didn’t even say anything because it blew my mind.  They cost potato puff prices.

I don’t have an addition to the Pissing Contest but in the absolutely most cursed wedding (and subsequent marriage) I ever attended, my chef boyfriend and I bit into the chicken — and it was pink on the inside. Both plates. We raced to the caterers to warn them, naively thinking they might retrieve the dishes and

What’s everyone been up to in the kitchen? Bread was in heavy rotation around here, look at my beautiful loaf of bread!

I’m reviving Pissing Contest with a new topic every week.

Footage of Walker training with the Contessa:

My father is a retired career police officer and we haven’t spoken in six years but it would not shock me one bit if he donated to this mislead kid. There is a severe divide in our society, I do not understand those on the other side of it at all. I find it offensive and I am thoroughly disgusted by their view of how

Avatar is okay. I don’t love it, I don’t dislike it. I think for all of the effort that went into it, the script came last. It drives me a little nuts that we see none of Jake’s struggle. He’s happily selling out the Na’vi one moment and leading the revolution the next. I don’t have a lot of personal interest in the

I like this lady a lot better.

Groups pride themselves on how they can think “independently” and “do their own research” but if Donald Trump, from the very start, had loudly bloviated about how awesome masks were and that getting vaccinated would, I don’t know, teach China a lesson rah rah patriotism, there would still be hesitancy but certainly

So about a quarter of Americans won’t vaccinate, even before counting Democrats. At this rate there might not be herd immunity when vaccination efforts are complete.

This is the fifth shooting death of a student at Austin-East this year”

PSA / REALLY IMPORTANT: Mifepristone and misoprostol (the 2 drugs prescribed for medical abortion) are also prescribed to assist women who have miscarried safely pass fetal tissue. Simply calling them “abortion pills” is a misnomer- thousands of women rely on these meds to complete their naturally occurring miscarriage

I’m with you on this. I’d say the same for any invasive procedure: and the more invasive it is, the rarer you’d want it to be by having a good framework of preventative measures.

I have a weekly meeting at 3pm on Wednesday. Last Wednesday I tried to join the zoom at 4 and couldn’t explain how and why I got the time wrong. My brain seems to be disconecting.

Shelter Cat Update!

Yayy for the play and the vaccine, and for the awesome nap!  I hear ya on stressed out. I had a complete and utter meltdown yesterday for no reason (or “no reason” depending on how you look at it).  Today I ditched work and spent the afternoon doing yard work--I’m sore and feel drunk without having had anything to