
The day after I got my first vaccine shot my partner and I were guilted into seeing two of his family members... we were masked, outside, and sat more than 6 feet apart...but 20 minutes into the conversation they casually mentioned that they had someone else over to their house earlier in the week and that person

My workplace—of at least 2000-3000 people—gets shipments of the vaccine specifically for us and our family members who currently qualify in our state, and it currently has a 25 person waitlist for “spare” doses at the end of the day for non-qualifying family members that I’ve been trying my hardest to get my

My hot take: The problem isn’t just Tucker, it’s that there are probably more than few people in his audience nodding along like “Yeah, them wimminfolk need to get back in line”.

oh wow, hard flashback to nursing school.

I get a lot of customers where I bartend that launch into racist tirades, often too loudly (cuz alcohol), just because I’m white and therefore -must- be on their side. Little do they know, I donate a portion of their tips to a different charity every month for things I know they would absolutely loathe! NAACP, ACLU, Na

It’s shit like this that makes me wonder what makes Republicans think college/university is a liberal brainwashing factory. This shit isn’t rare

The Jewish Space Laser has been around forever. It’s also Canadian.

Articles like this remind me what a blessed state we are in to not be assaulted by his face, voice, and tweets, daily. I’m enjoying the reprieve, mightily.

I gotta say that when you’re a Democrat from Ohio and you’re on TV the caption will read (D-OH) and all I can think of is Homer Simpson.

This is completely ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Typical lib sheeple. Totally distracted by this fluff while the real issues are how Antifa and BLM have castrated Mr. Potatohead and the classic books of Dr. Seuss have been ripped out of our children’s hands! None of this...none!... would’ve happened if Gawd’s Chosen One hadn’t been betrayed by Judas Pence!

Oh, if only the memo line could be customized for each state with the names of the senators who voted for/against it.

Yes. Treasury disputed that it would delay the checks, but big grains of salt on that assertion.

I feel like that was actually discussed last year when the first checks came out—that Trump’s signature delayed delivery a bit.

I hope I’m corrected if I’m wrong, as man last year was long, but wasn’t there some news reports that at least some of the checks last year were delayed because of the decision to put Trump’s name on them?

It wasn’t a date.  He’s married.  She was being polite and he’s being a creep.

Well, setting aside the VERY BAD AND WRONG interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7:1-7, he also willfully neglected the second half of that verse, “The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his

As someone who is himself biracial (black and white) I can tell you with 100% certainty from personal experience that racism and stupidity are, more often than not, connected at the hip (i.e. people hold racist views because they are ignorant/stupid people). Therefore what Meghan’s dad was really saying is:

I actively work with a woman who, on the regular, equates homosexuality with mental illness.

I know this is obvious to most people, except apparently the ones at Good Morning Britain, but having a black family member doesn’t make you suddenly an expert in racism or even slightly less racist.