
Its a good day.

Kelly Loeffler. Can this now be a person we never hear from again? Please. I know the dustbin of history is overflowing but cram her in there.

You know who else worked to elect Warnock and should be feeling pretty good today?

because who could have figured “Actively work to make a pandemic worse and kill as many Americans as possible” and “Refuse over and over, as loudly and publicly as possible, to provide any meaningful relief to struggling Americans during a pandemic” would not have been winning strategies?

Here’s hoping the checkered shirts and puffy vests still have the tags on them so she can get that refund at Old Navy.

The only reason that there is “deep, deep distrust of our democratic process” is because Republicans have spent years doing everything they possibly could to ferment and exploit that distrust all while disenfranchising as many voters as they possibly could.

Alright, paid family leave, let me follow down this rabbit hole...

Fixed her statement: “given that we’re the party of family values foisting motherhood on women who dare to have sex and then deny them any government programs of assistance”

I’ve had a miscarriage. I had to take Misoprostol (is that illegal in Ohio?) so I could safely expel the tissue from my body. If I lived in Ohio would I have been required to catch it with my bare hands when I went to the washroom, pack it up, and put it in the fridges so I could bury it later?

I grew up in Columbus, and I thought for so long that the rest of the state was as liberal as Cowtown. Yeah, I know better now - it’s mostly rural conservative communities surrounding a few liberal cities.

I also live in Ohio. I’m also in “blue” county. But fuck all if that gerrymandering hasn’t made it IMPOSSIBLE to get a democratic representative. I also got some disappointing news from my OBGYN last week and literally called my husband crying saying “I hate living in Ohio.” Leaving isn’t really an option for us at

We had a serious discussion about moving to a different state because of the direction Ohio is heading in over the holidays. We love our town, our jobs, and our closest friends are here, but living in a blue county doesn’t mean anything when you have no representation at a state level. The election showed that we’re

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography in December of 2019. After a couple of months of interviews, I was offered a job working for a Google contractor in the Seattle area in February of 2020. As of March, my 8 weeks of training was cancelled. I have sent out well over 200 resumes since then and

Ouch. That looks both cooked and raw. I’m guessing the dough was too wet when it went into the oven? I’ve had many bread fails, it’s all part of learning how to bake.

It looks like you have to knead longer.

Oh, dear, what happened?

I predict you will master bread baking. We all have to start somewhere! 

Holy shit y’all, I bought a house!

So, when it comes to multiple sclerosis, I’ve been trying to find a way to feel my best every day. I was reading about the benefits of exercise, especially an exercise that will get the heart pumping, so I invested in a mini-recumbent bike and I like it; however, after I had a bad reaction to my medication in June

We’re holding our breathe here. My husband was directly exposed to Covid for several days unknowingly at work. 4 of his coworkers are sick & tested positive. 2 of those individuals he works closely with. So we wait now. This isn’t our first scare but it’s always worrisome as I have an autoimmune disease and have the