
Good luck with quitting drinking! I hope you can find some support, from family and friends, from a group, from a therapist, or whatever.

Ah! It’s so frustrating when people in your life (ok, men) shirk their responsibilities at home. My nephew is also my roommate, and his habits are driving me up the wall. It’s like, I don’t have the time or energy to tell you to do these things. Just do them!

Those problems don’t sound trivial at all! Learning your colleagues (whom you might like) are supportive of these garbage human beings sucks. You can’t get away from your colleagues or unfriend them. You’re stuck with each other. I hope there are some people at your job with the right priorities.

That sucks. Maybe you could ask him if, in the future, he could give you some idea of what he wants to talk about when he wants to ask you “some questions.”

Thanks! You too.

Thank you! I’m sorry running doesn’t seem to be panning out. The things our bodies do to us!

Ugh, I hope you can figure out what is causing your allergies. Did something change this week? Also, arguing with your mom sucks. I’ve been there.


Oh my god, that’s horrible! That’s beyond ghosting.

This sounds like a great idea!

I hope things get better for you! I hope you do something nice for yourself every once in a while.

It’s been a very blah week.

What’s your turkey cooking secret?

 That sucks, I’m sorry! This guy seems like a piece of work. Good for you for calling him out and trying to establish some boundaries.

 Jesus. Yeah, I read about that yesterday. I hope she’s doing ok!

I am so, so sorry for you and your husband. There’s some good advice downthread. I would add, make a recording of his voice before it’s too late. See if there’s something meaningful the two of you can do together. Something You can remember fondly.

 Hey, Jezzies, how about a commisuration thread.

Yep 😊

I can’t let you do that, Dave.

I’m glad they did so too, but it took them long enough! Ohioans had to put a lot of pressure on them before they changed the venue.