
Does anyone have any advice for protesting/marching for people with chronic pain and fatigue? I want do more, but I can’t stand or walk for long periods time.

What’s the best way to find out about local marches? I always see that they’ve happened after the fact.

My bosses approached me, wanting to interview me for a position with much more responsibility and better pay. The interview went really well, so fingers crossed.

Was going apply for disability, but not now. It’s incredible the difference a week makes. Hopefully I’ll be able to work for the rest of my life.

Symphony of Sorrowful Songs

I’m so sorry, everyone. We’ve failed.

Grandma! How’s the afterlife?

My grandma called them waterbugs. :)

I would say your approach was appropriate. These guys knew exactly what they were doing and aren’t going to learn. Sorry this happened to you. :(

Can anyone offer any advice on getting disability?

As I was reading these in my bed, my clock radio alarm went off (at midnight). It definitely made me jump! Trouble is, I’m sure I haven’t touched it several days, and I know no one else has been in my room today. Then I remembered.

I think those stories about the forest were posted on r/don’tsleep, which is specifically for make-up stories.

One of my friends does a lot of networking through Twitter. She says a bunch of people from fellow students famous academics in our field (music theory). She follows other people, follows hashtags, and gets into discussions. Sometimes it’s not so scary to talk someone through computer.

Just as long as it’s not red. I’m allergic.

Can you retake the test?

I’m so happy for both you! Have a great movie night.

My Republican (but not a Trump supporter) brother-in-law mentioned the “4 minute scandal” last night. When I said it’d been debunked and only right-wing news sites were reporting he said, “I don’t know any right-wing news, just news.”

I’m so sorry your loss.

I’m so sorry for your loss.
