That was a hard choice, but I voted for libraries using the same criteria you did.
That was a hard choice, but I voted for libraries using the same criteria you did.
Just read the summary, and they don't sound that much alike, but I'm not going to make statements about a book I haven't read.
You mean Looking for Alaska? Yes, those two books are similar, and I didn't like them as much as his other books. I think John Green wrote Paper Towns in this way partly because he wanted to focus more on dispelling the MPDG trope than he did in Alaska (though it's in Alaska too if you look for it). I don't really see…
Yes, the trailer didn't convey that at all, I think so that the outcome will be a surprise.
The entire point of the book is that Q has put Margo on this weird pedestal that turns out to be a damaging lie. Spoiler alert: when he finds her, it turns out she didn't leave clues for him to find her, and she's not terribly pleased to see him.
Just found his tumblr post:…
That's the entire point of the book. Q imagines Margo as this MPDG, and gradually learns how untrue and damaging this is to both of them.
Jeez, Alconleigh, I usually love your comments, but I can think of few people who deserve their money more than John Green, someone who spends his time educating and entertaining people (for free), creating positive internet communities, giving thousands of dollars to charity, and encouraging his millions of youtube…
DFTBA Eldrich.
John Green said on tumblr that the movie follows closely to the book, and the trailer doesn't show what happens at the end (to avoid spoilers).
I know people can have different opinions about books, but the entire point of Paper Towns is how harmful Q's view of Margo is, and how she is not what he thinks she is.
The entire point of the book is that Margo is not a MPDG and that Q projecting this image on her is damaging and wrong.
Wow, that last one.
If my mother had heard me say something good about JPII, she would have had a stroke. :)
Yeah, unfortunately that's probably what will happen.
The Church's opinion of birth control was not nearly as set in stone as it seems to be today. We have John Paul II to thank for the Church's rigid stance on birth control.
And the Church's stance on birth control could have so easily gone the other way! If only John XXIII hadn't died. If only Paul VI hadn't been so wishy-washy. If only John Paul II hadn't been so terrible.
My God. I feel horribly mean laughing at this, but just, yeah.