I think they said they were proud of our country right now. I'm not sure if I'm remembering that right.
I think they said they were proud of our country right now. I'm not sure if I'm remembering that right.
I just saw this article on twitter about how uncommon it is for a grand jury not to indict. Of course, this doesn't hold true when the case has to do with police officers. http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/fergus…
Just did. Thanks.
Thanks, I saw that. I don't even understand how these people can exist.
Someone just asked him if they would pursue perjury charges against people who gave conflicting evidence. WTF!
It just keeps getting worse and worse. Now he's urging people to continue to discuss this problem peacefully. Shove it, jackass.
I'm so ashamed of my country right now. There are no words. I'm so sorry, Ferguson.
There's a really good tumblr called We Need Diverse Books. They often recommend diverse YA and children's books. Over the summer, they did a whole series of "If you liked this, then read this" where they took a popular book that didn't have diverse main characters and recommended a similar book that featured…
:) It happens. Sorry to make you explain again that you already knew something.
This is only tangentially related to your point (it's more about what traditional marriage actually was and how that relates to gay marriage), but apparently I can't help but post Vlogbrothers videos in response to everything now.
Tolkien really pushed for Lewis to become Christian, and he got really mad at Lewis when he chose the Anglican Church rather than the Catholic Church. (Little bit of trivia)
I appreciate that you can call yourself whatever you want, but I agree with some of the above posters that humanist and egalitarian don't have the same connotations as feminist, and those connotations are important. To address what Beets is saying, I can't tell you how many times this issue has come up in comments…
The pope has "primacy," meaning "full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primacy_o…) However, most things the pope says are not considered the "word of God." Only certain things the pope says are supposed to be…
It really makes you wonder what could have been, if John XXIII hadn't died in the middle of Vatican II. Maybe we would have continued to become more liberal instead of becoming reactionary. (Can you tell which popes I like?)
This video isn't from a woman, but I think John Green nails why people like to wear makeup while addressing how he used to think about women and makeup (which he says was weird and misogynistic). While he doesn't wear makeup in his normal life, he was surprised to find out how much he enjoyed wearing it during the…
Oregon mails ballots to every voter. Voters can mail them back in or drop them off.
The video in question was taken down by YouTube, but his channel remains, and he's still posting videos. Hank Green banned him from VidCon. Likewise, the Fine Brothers said he'll no longer be in their "React" videos. YouTube does very little about these sorts of things (people like Alex Day who have admitted to…
Sorry, my first response was a bit misleading. Apparently, some states have laws ensuring employers give time off, but there is no federal law. I've also never been given time off to vote, but I've also never worked at a job where I couldn't get to the polls.
28 years old. Always vote.
I liked Hank Green's recent YouTube video on voting. I especially liked this quote: