

You’re an unbelievably unintelligent person. Kind of breathtaking actually.

So you asked a question and then immediately let it be known that you would reject any actual attempt to answer it...

Doesn’t it bother you to be so wildly anti intellectual? Do you think dismissing reality makes you brave and important?

recognitions will keep repeating this because he has the intelligence of a toddler.

Agreed. In many ways their certainty is more disturbing than if they were knowingly lying. 

The guy is an idiot. Why even engage with him?

Why? If you had paid any attention to the trial it was obvious he was going to be found not guilty.

You can’t reason with people like this. Just be happy you aren’t as stupid and angry as them. 

Not the people who also were illegally armed with fire arms who were chasing him?

You’re an extremely unintelligent person. 

Your argument is silly and defenseless.”

Yeah those people should have just let their businesses get burned down.

The responses to your extremely correct and reasonable post show how unhinged some of the posters here really are.