
And the way he says it is perfect too.

Great idea and execution, but how about "Bronx Lullaby"? I don't see it on the map. While its lyrics reference New Jersey and Baltimore, its setting is the titular borough.

I know! It kills me to think of how many "readers" ignore their cover stories or mini-documentaries. That stuff is so great and any reporter with Pitchfork's ostensible budget would kill to do projects like that. I'm just happy they're actually producing that kind of work as a contemporary online publication. For all

I think the "Album Art/Name" approach is valid. That approach will always be more honest than a bad review. If I'm discovering new music, I'll see if any of their review abstracts or album art catches my eye, which helps because it's taking their arcane number bullshit out of the first impression. When it comes to

That's such a shitty, one-dimensional interpretation of Her. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to intuit that even at his most empathetic, Theodore Twombly's an asshole. Human characters? How novel. Her doesn't celebrate or indulge his faults as a character, and he was called out on his bullshit by the equally

I know what you mean. I only wrote "the world" because I know he's beloved in Europe, which is very imperialistic of me.

The world will lose its favorite uncle when Tom Waits dies. Piece of the Earth's soul will die too, in all honestly.

I found it funny that they showed Kinects in the operating room. Kinect sensors are anything but surgically precise.

Annie's guitar stuff goes a long way for me. That fuzz pedal of hers would only go so far if she didn't bring a nervous, physical push to her approach. When she mixes that with her songwriting, I hear an ethereal mutation on Fripp. I don't know, I saw her live and the sum of her skill, especially when channeled

The Daft Punk and Stevie Wonder jam, Kendrick, Willie Nelson, and QOTSA performances have me appallingly hyped for this stupid goddamn award show.

Both Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson get a lifetime pass for being kickass vocalists.

There's a great article on Polygon about how video games became a gendered medium through advertising that nicely discusses this topic.

A lot of this comes down to gatekeeping and how that influences the cultural ideals and perceptions we hold. The truth is, there's a spectrum of people enjoying or theoretically able to respond to any given thing. That we feel the need to resort to tokenism or consistently default to generic white characters just

Italians followed a similar defense at one point for the sake of assimilation. I'm still trying to figure out the baggage of this mentality, good and bad.

A close friend of mine has the same commercial burned into his memory because of that VHS too.

Heh, thank you very much!

She's just metamorphosing into The Cloud. It is her destiny.

I certainly agree that The Birthday Party was unique because of their rare mix of talent. That was a group of people who knew how to make loud, serrated noises. "Pricks" was definitely Cave showing us his influences, as was starting From Her to Eternity with a Cohen cover. But the chemistry of The Birthday Party was

Thanks, I thought something was off there but couldn't place it. I'll edit accordingly.

They're different beasts. To say his writing got worse — which, just by virtue of time and creative output, he'd be more likely to release his duds through the Bad Seeds — is a crime when we're talking about Cave. His sound changed, but I don't think he lost a bit of his menace. If anything he grew as a songwriter,