
how are you alive?!

fart profile sounds like something CSI would have in a dossier on a suspect.

Question Katie, Why is it bad that Ryan doesn’t believe in handouts? I really don’t understand why taxpayers need to pay for people who don’t take care of themselves? Aren’t most of 4% of the Americans below the poverty line there because of their own actions? Isn’t ending extended unemployment benefits a good thing

Not to me, he should have knocked her out.

Kinda racist of you to lump all white people into a box marked “ likes to antagonize black people.” Do you see the irony here?

Not terribly bright are you?

Really? She’s right.  Unless you are disabled or a single mother there should be no reason why you can’t get health care on your own. If you aren’t earning enough to take care of yourself that’s your problem. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for someone who is too stupid, lazy or just didn’t think of the consequences

Would totally adopt a Krogan kid.

As a former BoyScout, we mainly are taught the ways of keeping the females down. I still have my merit badge of misogyny. I will never forget my troop leaders words of wisdom. “ keep their self-esteem low, it keeps them slutty.”

any females care to comment on the time and maintenance on said hair? I am olddly curious.

White person here, We tend to hate children in general. It takes up the time and resources we could be spending golfing and eating kale. Really what you are doing is giving up your own aspirations to live vicariously through your offspring’s meager achievements. This is why white families are colder than black or

Oh come on Germany, A little violence never hurt anybody.

Its too early in the week for this much stupid. Come back later.

Is this blasphemy or treason there?

I’m more shocked that a Canadian was rude. He said the N word. He must be a psychopath in Canadian terms.

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown: Season 1 – 5

I read 

I wonder if this is the same Gonzalez that wrote all the Eve online short stories.

“ you’re cheesing!”

But aren’t men just animals? It wouldn’t be much of a stretch for the ladies right?