
Didn’t phase me. Either I’m more of a man than any of you or I’m dead inside. Probably both..

I’m big on the no date co-workers rules but some of them are so hot!

So how would the tabloids squeeze their names together?

came to look at all the “ OMG SOO ME!” and “SAME!” and “YAASSS!” posts from random chicks. Wasn’t disappointed.

xbox? i have lost so much respect for you.

Guns i don’t think are the problem. Its just the easiest outlet for their bat shit craziness. If all guns were banned they’d just make pipe bombs and then people would want regulations on house hold cleaners and pvc piping. Banning all the guns would only discourage the most lazy of suicidal nut cases.

Damn i hate being socially inept.

I’m sure she appreciated that. Laughed my ass off though.

Oh Nicole, if you dropped dead one day I09 wouldn’t be the same. Also am i the only one that buys glass coke bottles and pretends they are nuka cola when i play?

why do all weird things happen in Florida?

I think Scott Brick or Stephen Rudniki would have been a better choice.

No need to lie dude. There are no judgements here.

“ so much nope” that pretty much encompasses most of our female experiences.

That is the stupidest question in all of human recorded history of stupid questions. Yes its worth it. Buy Fallout 3 and new vegas you poor deprived bastard.

WTF is a woman? I am part of a pastey gamer sub-culture devoid of any interaction with these so called “females”. I don’t like mythical creatures put in my sport games! Why not just throw in a unicorn FIFA game while you’re at it.

who gave you harpies? that should teach you to boat around with people you don’t know. #slutshaming

Emma you made my morning.

I call bs Kirk! Bungie regurgitated the same old areas for most of the new story line, No cut scenes and it was only a few hours hours long.

Is anyone else lamenting that they will never have a pay stub like this?