My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

"This, it turns out, is the best news of all. The brand-new, completely rethought design is slick, simple and coherent. Google admits that it’s even better than Google Maps for Android phones, which has accommodated its evolving feature set mainly by piling on menus."

Comeon bro, we need to raise series-b with our angel investors @ Coupa Cafe by convincing them our CROWDSOURCED SUPPLY CHAIN LIFECYCLE OPTIMIZATION STREAM IS REVOLUTIONARY AND DEMOCRATIZING.

Someone also raised the point that this was straight up punishment/convenient scapegoat because Gov (obviously) now knows Merle lied to him when he said that he killed Michonne.

Dang, that's an amazing suggestion. We'll just have to see how Amy Adams does.

You didn't lose faith after Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip? You're a bigger supporter of him than I am.

dubbed over by Michael Ironside

A6 optional LED headlights in addition to the daytime running LEDs

This is exactly what I did with my 2008 Macbook Pro. Removed the optical drive for an SSD, removed the first HDD with a bigger capacity one, and upgraded from 2GB ram to 8. Still chugging along 4 years later.


My favorite was the BioShock one. Very well made.

It's Carly Rae Jespen, Cher Lloyd, Karmin, and Nicki Minaj's world of pop now: we're just living in it.

Nor do Hank and Dean Venture.

Trust me, I would have preferred if they called it DS9.

I want to see one where Michael Bay comes in with a Transformers script starring Daniel Day Lewis and is Oscar-worthy in scope and then he actually listens to them and incorporates all their feedback.

Space internet. They use something called the Deep Space Network. Read about it here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Space_Network

This is for all my fellow 49er fans.

Curiosity killed the Schrödinger cat.

Weirdly enough, this was the only person I could see doing the book justice. Like if Burns said "fuck it, I'm doing fiction" one day and opted to make his first fictional documentary on post World War Z ala The War on an HBO or Showtime.

Up in NorCal we get the rare station with racing gas (100), but god knows how expensive that is. *shudder*