My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

Hey man, Yo Gabba Gabba is the SHIT.

It's like a reverse hunger strike. Take that, Gandhi!

Gray market doesn't put money into the pockets of NECA or Valve though. Just curious they wouldn't up the initial allotment.

Should have pulled out a doritos loco taco.

A canoe! ...Is is a death canoe which has hidden blade cannons?!

Now playing

Intro to 'Spectre Induction' my friend. 95% sure.

As a USC alum, had to just post that we are super super proud of Keilee, Jenova, Austin, and TGC for what they continually churn out to push this medium forward.


Agreed. Ronan was awesome in Hanna.

Now playing

Or this? This clinched it for me in terms of liking Vega.

Now get me The Dig, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango on the iPad. STAT!

Arcanum Arcanum Arcanum...

Yeah, wish they did this. Downright anti-consumer right there. Would also love an app return policy. Or all apps are free for 48 hours, and then you can keep it with ads/limited functionality, or unlock for whatever price the dev sets.

I'm just going to say zombies, because I've got like 2 amazon wishlists full of survival gear and weapons I'm just itching to buy.


SPOILER ALERT: There is no big payoff. He does not transform into an 18-wheeler.

This is some Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy shit up in hur.

This better be a universal app...none of this 'HD' malarkey or somebody gonna get hurt.