Incorrect. Apple owns Siri, Siri utilizes licensed Nuance technologies and algorithms. Apple...will likely not use Swype if Siri is any indication of direction.
Incorrect. Apple owns Siri, Siri utilizes licensed Nuance technologies and algorithms. Apple...will likely not use Swype if Siri is any indication of direction.
ka-kakaw! ka-kakaw!
Sorry if this has been answered already, but people say it requires an my iPad 2 can get it as well, right? Or is the restriction both 1 GB RAM AND A5?
You and Jeremy have convinced me to aim for the 2012 C63 with the M156 6.2L V8. Yeah it'll get 11 MPG, but the heavy smoker's cough and angry bass coming from that Teutonic beast makes me think it'll be worth the hefty fuel premium.
Frak this is frakking awesome.
Is anyone else freaking out how Jim Caviezel is looking more and more like a younger version of Eric Roberts?
"The Amazon Kindle, first of its name. King of the e-books, Gutenberg Project, and the first whispernets. Lord of the Cloud Services."
Well, its got to feature "Who Do You Voodoo, Bitch" at some point in the movie. I mean, come on...
Did anyone else see #9, skim over it and just read, "Plato could shoot laser beams out of his eyes like Scott Summers."
Seriously, if i were one of those kids i'd be beating up some owl after those shenanigans. That owl is what's wrong with academia today.
Now we can pretend to be William Adama and shout at people demanding to know how damaged the FTL drives are.
Men have fight clubs, and women have underground dance-partner clubs. Who knew.
Blood and Fire.
That stock yoga studio...
I have read it. It is certainly thought provoking, but like most PKD books, it has a bizarre ending kind of from left field. Interesting to try to find what he predicted right and wrong...such as legalized pot and the emergence of Asian culture on the world scene...