My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

Calling it right here: 02/21/12

word. that was my concern, that November would be a shitstorm of awesome and not enough time.

If I win the lottery, it'd be SLI'ing 2 GTX 590's.

Great. Now I have to wait ANOTHER year before I build my gaming PC to end all gaming PCs. And my MBP refresh. Stupid 3D Ivy Bridge...

You're forgetting FF6 and FF7, which will also come before FF3: Tokyo Drift...wherein Han becomes Korean bbq.


"I wonder who will be picked as the spokeswoman for that."

Ditto. Then they canned it and decided not to be bold.

LOL u r so old!!!1 omg adorbz.

Yeah! Screw the consumer! Who needs to be protected from multi-billion dollar entities with entire legal staffs and lobbyists! BP shouldn't have to pay for their own negligence either! Car companies should be protected from car buyers when they make shoddy safety features!

We already have this technology in the states. The acronym for it is AT&T: Attenuation Technology & Tapping.

Buy a razer onza!

What, we don't get special ARI sunglasses or Wayne-tech crime vision filters in LA NOIRE???

Toss up between that and SW:TOR for me

A must-listen, on a related topic. Radiolab's segment on Adam, a Cornell robot designed to answer some pretty fundamental questions. We just might not be able to comprehend the 'how' to its answers though...

Spoiler alert: she flies in the rocket to the other Earth, and bam, she finds out its ruled by apes. She collapses in front of a ruined Statue of Liberty, and curses the heavens above.

1 year - GTA V

"Reddit, huh? ...Almost made it."

Michio Kaku is such a nerd.