My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

@ortizlgnd4: I feel sorry for your dry cleaner?

Next up, at 11: How pumping Nickleback into the caves of Tora Bora incapacitated Al Qaeda.

@Szin: Shit just got real.

Dr. Stiles!

New cases from suppliers also showing displayport/mini hdmi out at the top, opposite the 30-pin connector.

@Nitesh: Thanks for this. More than any company in the world, I associate Apple with the Willy Wonka Candy Co. Analogy still holds as long as Steve is still there. Kind of agree with the journalists in that regard, but who knows.

@dana22: The combined man-hours spent on trolling could be used to research Faster-than-light space travel by now.

I dunno about this, man. This seems like an awful lot for a single-year upgrade for iPad:

@sqlfanatic: You'll have to buy your friendly TSA officer a meal afterwards for what they do to ya.

@Applerain: Surely your word choice was entirely on purpose. Shoot. I see what you did there.

So, are we taking bets iPad 2 comes with 4.3, or 4.3.1? Something like that?

"Swiping your thumb up and down acts like the back and forward buttons common on Windows mice"

He sneezed it out at one of his enemies as a snot rocket, and killed another man with the projectile.

I'm ecstatic. As an AT&T user, I cannot wait for tons of people in the Bay Area to jump ship to VZW so hopefully, *hopefully* it improves AT&T's ability to deliver a very core service: that is to say not shitty voice call quality and better 3G coverage.