My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

@jepzilla: Well, to say that Apple has no R&D i think is a bit disingenuous.

I did this for a social security/pension/insurance fraud scheme one

@ferli: Open your eyeeeeees. I see...your eyes are open!

@fury161: Don't hate me, bro!

@Sean Netzel: He looks like such a douche in anything, especially when he's wearing his Lakers jersey.

@Klainis: The problem with hulu, and it always will be, is that it was created by and for the major networks. They have no idea what to do with it, how to really properly monetize it, and how the distribution is handled on a show-by-show, season-by-season basis. They have no #$*&ing idea. None. That and there will

My god, what would happen if you used these with a salsabol?!

@clickmyface: Haha. I was about to say its quite elegant in terms of how it all comes together.

@FeelinRandy: Yeah, beat me to it. I was about to say, "something of any journalistic or artistic value coming out of IGN? It must be opposite day!"

@kapanak: The Natal-ian Man.

@NaeemTHM: hey now, season 1 of LOST was incredible when it first came out. I can watch that pilot tons of times and never get bored of it (also, Matthew Fox's exasperated delivery of every single line)

@OutlawDominus: Good god just in that scene alone the scoring and orchestration were fantastic.

@Willravel: But if you think about it, in the Nolanverse Clayface could just be a sociopathic murderer who just loves plastic surgery/cosmetic product x. None of the crazy supervillain properties of shapeshifting and what not, just another tragic figure turned to lunacy and violence.

@agentgray: Flippin love that movie. Still, I'm undecided whether Nolan's focus on the Gotham gang/mobster scene has been played out or was what made the first two films so successful: they're grounded in the battle against organized crime.

@NutshotOuroboros: Exactly. When you have a roadmap already for the next 6-7 seasons, and the lag time to allow for the original source content to wrap up or continue developing, that's a godsend for your writers and directors.

@ron2112: I heard that too but...

Hurry up and renew it, AMC!

@Lana Van Reenen: Me, i'm still waiting on an Ex Machina TV series.

@txtybb: Line breaks are your friend.