My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

@jp182: I dunno man...with that body, intelligence, and personality...3/4 ain't bad. Am I crazy? I think I could overlook it.

@Mr.Wake: Trust me, it takes an episode or two to get into it, but I'd have a tough time trying to choose between VB or Archer. In the end I'd choose VB because I think I love the universe more, but both have rapid-fire and probably the wittiest writing on TV. Like Arrested Development-esque banter/pacing/story. The

@antonchigurh: Oh. I mean...you don't have to buy it or not buy it, I'm telling you how it is in the 77 issues they've had in the comic book series thus far...(and by all accounts, the show will follow the source material pretty darn closely).

@antonchigurh: Much like the rest of zombie fiction (aside from Max Brooks' awesome works), the "why" or "what" or "how" of the zombies is but a secondary, even tertiary point. They serve as a force of nature almost, a foil to the very human and inhumane things people do when faced with adversity such as the living

@iDon't even: There will be an expose on the REAL suppliers of Apple components: dirty sweatshops exclusively located in the Philippines that shave down unicorn horns by child-pixie labor (non-union of course), managed by leprechaun foremen, and featuring 19th century working conditions.

@Booji-Boy: Kinect is so advanced that you get these mediocre titles immediately, versus midway through the console's lifecycle.

"It has a darn good chance of being the best thing on Earth."

Oh, the phantom penis.

Anyone else having trouble logging in/adding your steam account info?

@QADude: Asian women, sure. Half-Asian women?! The best.

@Pope John Peeps II: Man, don't start this. Let me guess, not a fan of Arrested Development either?

I just want to mourn the loss of seeing Dichen on TV on a regular basis. She is smokin.

@Pope John Peeps II: There is something to be said about mean old execs scheduling shows into the Friday Night deathslot. Vicious cycle with Dollhouse.

@3Eyes: Well if we're going Rated-R...


I'll bet she's his "Number One"

@xir0: There's also lots to be said about the name "Gotthard Base Tunnel"

@crosis101: I hadn't seen the trailer yet, but my friend was describing this movie to me like so: "It has Helen Mirren shooting a minigun."

At this point, I think its out of his hands. What Lucas has created (or arguably borrowed from other excellent works of fiction or ideas...see: Akira Kurosawa, the Campbellian Hero's Journey, etc. etc.) has snowballed into an entire universe new storytellers can draw inspiration from, play around in, and expand. It's