My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

Goooood. Now we're only two steps away from having a dropship-esque experience when riding the plane.

And they didn't even bother to do the money line: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

@Shinkirou: I'm pretty sure I performed some Greek deity hate crimes in those games.

@ReiRei0: You're missing the point. This post isn't about advocating the complete halt of fossil fuels tomorrow, but the gradual transition off of them and to clean energy. What you paint is an unrealistic and apocalyptic scenario. No one is clamoring for that.

Oh this old thing? It's just liquid metal with a composite laminate, multi-touch, anti-glare, oleo-phobic surface enclosing the whole thing.

@Bramsey89: Now you're just showing off, you show-off.


@Fusbun: Nerd rage, all of Noble, aside from Jorge, are Spartan III's, but given MJOLNIR to actually survive their impossible mission function, unlike their brothers and sisters.

@xredgambit: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

@Rickyraws: Well, now you can play it in chronological story order!

@Amarant1994: Theres a shot where her arm is smoking, probably burned to the point of amputation from the plasma fuel rod that landed close from the banshee

@mricyfire: ...but with Kinect, you ARE the new controller

@Bricked: Make no mistake, gentlemen. We're in the fight of our lives...against maybe the greatest

@Quint Stevenson: don't worry. at first glance i thought it said Gary Oldman and Ed Helms.

@Jonny_eh: Lord knows i am not the ideal driver myself (I speed sometimes), but at least i don't take the fact that my life is in the hands of every other crappy driver around me (and vice versa) for granted.

*gulp* Are we going to be this century's USSR? Outspent and outproduced and out-everything'd by our rival across the ocean?

I can't be the only one who at first glance thought, "those look like the transit tubes from Futurama."