i would have preferred a more blatant, "iss'a meeee mAAAArrrriiooooooo!" *double backflip* #assassinscreedii
i would have preferred a more blatant, "iss'a meeee mAAAArrrriiooooooo!" *double backflip* #assassinscreedii
@Adhominem: Or the ultimate mash-up. Call of Duty: Ghost Recon 3 - Advanced Warfighter Cell. #modernwarfare2
@casmith07: common mistake. balaclava (the mask) vs baklava (the Mediterranean pastry). LaughingGas was making a pun.
@anonymousryan: I think it was more along the lines of nobody speak any Russian. So everyone will think the entire group is composed of Americans/non-Russians.
am i the only one who tries to sneak in Chintamani Stone and Shamballah into as many common conversations as possible because these are fun words to say? #npd
@Sloopydrew: the current spoiler for me is, and i'm not even sure why this is, Assassin's Creed 2.
Gandhi had the same problem when he tried to get a group of fat-kids to fast for a few weeks in front of the British* Hostess factory.
@KaneBaker: I agree completely. There's nothing that's ever come close to touching what it feels like to BE batman—the visceral, badass sam-fisher + predator sensation...that being said, U2 was just filled with too much goodness and "oh shit!" moments along with some of the most polished gameplay, presentation, and…
@DNinja: and little crutches you can pop in your floor so you can prop up your arms and not get tired? #projectnatal
not that i'm saying natal will be like this...but anyone remember the xbox live camera? TotemBall was fucking GREAT. Sooooo much dev support for that peripheral! #projectnatal
@KaneBaker: for me, its Uncharted 2 all the way. #modernwarfare2
@omgwtflolbbl: agreed. I can always count on eurogamer to offer the contrarian opinion, regardless if they actually believe their own review or not. #modernwarfare2
@Twanzio: you, sir, have it all figured out. #modernwarfare2
@omgwtflolbbqbye: or anything that is shot on green screen, ala Command & Conquer, Star Wars Episodes 1-3, Jedi Knight, et al. #assassinscreedlineage
@BryanH: there's a pulling aggro joke in there, but hats off to you, sir. excellent work.
@curly haired boy: if anything, it trains an entire generation of gamers to be prepared for when the shit really does hit the fan by acquainting them intimately with the geography of our great pre-apocalyptic cities.
@LordGenki: LordGenki...is that you, Marc Summers?
@Clstirens has a Na-na-na-Nano: i know you didn't just drop a super mario brothers movie reference. that's punishable by firing squad.
@Jon: random comment here...who still calls it "The Orient?"
@Defeater: I just blue myself.