all i'm praying for is ender's game-style zero-g combat.
all i'm praying for is ender's game-style zero-g combat.
Halo: Reach
just to go against the grain: fallout 4. you heard it here first, folks.
as uh, one of those over eager people who purchased this at 3 am this morning...i won't have to pay another 800 points will i?
I'm in favor of anything that brings back the fez.
@innuendo: haha "forced"
as an AMD shareholder, i am not pleased as punch that their current stock price is peanuts compared to where i bought it, but alas, thats the nature of the beast.
@lecoqsportif: sharapova over kournikova any DAY.
@Verklemptomaniac: EYE PUN!
@spigeddie: nope, that'd be number three in April
@Spectacled Caiman: haha "fixed"
reminded me of a lot of the work Neil Blomkamp (Halo 3 shorts/dead Halo movie) has done, and i mean that as a compliment.
@Koztah: just as an aside, Full Throttle is very near and dear to my heart because my older brother play tested it, along with The Dig, and to this day Tim Schafer has my undying loyalty and respect.
@Blyr: yes, and if you haven't heard of Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango, you should feel not only guilty, but ashamed!
@Its The Beer Talking: certainly not the one that knocked over a light.
the more pressing question here is: how easy is it to get a stripper pole installed in a one-bedroom studio apartment, and how much will it cost?
@Silhouette2501: you find a pod. it's a computer simulation of the great battle of taking back Anchorage. (That being said, i don't know how they'll explain how you keep all the loot you'll get from a simulation, but hey)
orson welles/war of the worlds reference ftw
Thanks for listenin, chiiiiiiiiilllllllllllldreeeee...!
doesn't Staten do the grunt's voice?