
Officer: “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

It can be both, but it’s not. There’s no master plan to pit us against each other, not here. That’s just the same delusional refusal of personal accountability and performative victimhood that people seem desperate to indulge in on a daily basis anyway. They’re not going to take away reclining seats because that will

are you kidding? are you telling me that nap 1 hour after thanksgiving dinner isn’t comforting? if that isn’t, i don’t know what is.

JCVJ was definitely weird, but in a totally delightful way, and the production value was outstanding. I actually felt pretty similarly about The Tick, so it’s kind of weird that one gets renewed before its first season is even finished, and the other gets shit-canned less than a month out of the gate.

Very disappointing about JCVJ. I reeaaaaaallly liked it.

I honestly like it. Specs are decent, and the design is attractive. Sure I could build something similar spec wise for significantly less. However, it would be a challenge to make something as pretty.

Yeah I didn’t know a 10 year old knew of this option. Or that hanging oneself was a way to do it ):

Here’s the thing I don’t get — as a Patriots fan, and one who loves Marty.

I’ll admit, I was one of those who ragged on the Wii and WiiU, but having a console that can fill both the TV role and a handheld role as been really nice. It still feels like they’re trying for a gimmick system, but this gimmick actually works!

One of the higher-ups at Monolith is married to my cousin.

I’m a woman and the idea of manipulating man into becoming a father seems just as bad. Maybe bc I can’t help but equate it to woman being forced to have a kid bc they are denied access to birth control.

Women can secretly pull condoms off too. It’s happened to me before. One girl I was with did it to me. Now of course it was her idea that I wear a condom in the first place (we were both clean and she was on birth control, so I was ok with it), but it can be done. I’d say tricking your partner during sex is equally

It’s also for women who lie about being on birth control.

I swear with all the assholes that need to be killed these days, being a freelance extra-judicial executioner would be enough to keep SEAL Team 6 busy.

Looks neat, and like it’s a good fit for Switch. I hope the auto aim is only for when you’re just using a single joy-con, though, or at least an option to toggle.

Trump’s biggest gift to our country is the efficiency with which he has laid bare how much of our politics are about eating shit. People that “respect our institutions” and keep voting for rich assholes to represent them have been eating well-seasoned shit their entire lives. Trump took away all your spices.


It does pay...in spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you