With it's super temperamental 1bbl carb and a gutless straight 6, I hope all of these rot into hell (Disclaimer: I had one as my 1st-3rd cars):
With it's super temperamental 1bbl carb and a gutless straight 6, I hope all of these rot into hell (Disclaimer: I had one as my 1st-3rd cars):
Go on craigslist, find a car for $500, grab 5 friends, visit 24hoursoflemons.com. Enjoy many many entire weekends not spent in front of a computer or tv.
@ithyphallus, 13382: I was hoping it was from the creators of "Snakes on a Train".
I want all the 2011 LeMons tracks here. I need training dammit!
That's an easy one! Any 90's FWD Pontiac Grand Am/Prix. We call them the "Redneck Lexus".
Nick Tahoe's garbage plate FTW
@Dab O' Swine: The PIAA Intense White bulbs are my favorites. Very noticeable improvement and not ricer blue. More expensive than the silverstars but I have yet to have one burn out or cook a wire harness.
@mpdiorio: But, those 99 cent McDonalds sundaes are sooo good when driving home from a stressful workday.
When did 5'8" become short? I always thought that was dead on average.
@m2m: With the lethargic 2.3l, that was the least of the LX's worries.
Mustang LX wheels from the 80's were pretty horrid. They were steel wheels with a rubber molded casing. They have to be the heaviest wheel ever.
These are my least favorite:
And only one of these I can go out and purchase today?
My vote is for the Ford/Pinto OHC 2.3L metric motor. 36 years after being introduced in the Pinto, it's still powering the Ford Ranger. Anemic but bulletproof.
When life hands you an e30, make LeMonaide.
When is this dude getting out? We need another driver on our LeMon's team. Instead of running from The Man, he would be running from Jay Lamm.
Oh crap I just realized how lucky we were. After Summit Point we ended up dropping a driver off a the main terminal at Dulles with a truck full of gas cans pulling a questionable looking car with Arabic and German graffiti spray painted on it.
I would like to start a petition to get this car into the X-Games.
Other than the weber, they all look ok to me.