There is no way those things need to be as tall as they are.
There is no way those things need to be as tall as they are.
>"SMS" icon
They must be so happy you guys are advising the public to not give them money. I bet they just can't wait to invite you to WWDC this year!
Wait—you can be arrested for talking about sex in front of children?
Nature is plain fucking incredible.
Apple being pro-consumer and anti-developer???
Gizmodo doesn't have Apple liveblogs anymore. They have the "meta-blog," where they just keep F5ing sites like Engadget and Ars Technica, then repost what they post.
You still didn't address the point I was trying to make. I can talk bad about Apple and tell people to return their Christmas iPads all I want (I really do hate the corporation; I just like their products), because either way, I'm not getting a keynote invite. You see where I'm going with this?
Why is there a black dude among them?
@Navin R Johnson: First ironic Gizmodo comment I've ever laughed out loud at.
It's nice to know that rather than the internet being a threat to opening the Hoover Dam, we can rely on the old dude nodding off at the control panel to protect us from this security crisis.
@ModernBawhair: Precisely. Your life must be pretty pathetic to get your happiness from taking others' away with no personal gain
What I want to know is why "anti-gays" even care. Some men like other men; deal with it. It's not changing your life (which must be pretty empty in the first place for you to feel the need to take away others happiness with no personal benefit)
It will hit Cydia in 2 weeks.
"Don't buy the Verizon iPhone"
This beats my integrated stereo Bluetooth DS hardware modification
I prefer PhoneDisk; it mounts your phone as an system volume ("volume" means "drive" to those of you still using Windows)
Accident or with intent, I still get the iAd cash.
Unless it's a terabyte with FireWire 800 for $79. Then feel free to "do your part" for the environment.
@The Squalor Also Rises: Surfing the World Wide Web and downloading MP3 files from Napster