
Personally I’m going to hold off judgement one way or another until some solid specs come out.

Question. I’m getting a Xboxone in a couple weeks. Is it possible to claim this now?

I love the builders. Love them. Love having to ration them out, love having to prioritise which improvements they make. Removes one of the most mindless parts of Civ and makes them a far more interesting unit.

Wow. I don’t see how any actor could do meaningful and passionate work when they don’t even know who their character is supposed to be.

Harsh. I thought it looked gorgeous.

And the best part is, the kid won’t get cold while he’s trick-or-treating because he’s already inside the tauntaun.

it’s literally TWO spooky for me!

The “double” horror genre is the scariest kind of horror genre.

I’d take it as long as it comes to PC pleeeeeease

Not a review. These are just my impression from the beta. I enjoyed myself overall and found myself playing a lot more than I expected. It might not please everyone but for what it is worth considering, I had a good time.

The animation on it is wonderfully dainty and wee

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.

Hah! That’ll show you! You replied to the wrong person. Seriously, though... Can’t wait to play this.

AC IV was a great game, but I don’t think it was a good *Assassin’s Creed* game, if that distinction makes sense?

I like 30. It feels more cinematic to me. Personal preference I guess.

So few good ones. T_T

So much Anime.

I absolutely love when people don’t read the article, and the comment they make is literally mentioned in the first sentence. Well done. +1

Okay, but Finn holding Poe’s freaking torso to represent him picking up his jacket is fairly hilarious IMO.