
I’m just waiting for the official multiplayer patch. Can’t wait to buy this game.

Make sure it doesn’t say “replica”.

I feel that this tidbit of information is going to get a lot of Winstons blown up.

You watching the Championship Series?

You’d think it would earn more respect, but driving these things is a pretty tankless job.

Horse simulator. Niiiiice.

That looks great. Story sounds pretty interesting.

That’s... not actually him?? O_o

Happy little trees.

Do you want to focus more on gameplay features or making the ui better and giving us more control? If you are planning gameplay features can you spoil something for us? :D

Hello Tynan!

The Night of Eclipse Colony. I had two friends over to try out my game. It was called Eclipse Colony at the time and was still very simple, with about 6 months of development in. The characters were still yellow dots.

Do you plan on making an option to raid other bases on your world?

I ‘m a big fan of RimWorld since the Kickstarters. I’m afraid to start a new game because it eat me hoursss to stop :-)

Given that there is the world map generated, will we ever be able to expand/travel to other locations?


Lately I’ve been using a ton of mods to make the game more interesting. I’ve seen other developers just credit the creator when putting a mod into the game and its turned out really well.
My 3 questions are the following.

Challenge Accepted.

This story has always reminded me of the Dark Tower, which is never a bad thing. Roland would approve.