
Step 1: Repeal Prop 13

THANK YOU! No one wants to talk about Prop 13 because it’s a political poison pill. Everyone wants to dance around what the REAL issue is here which is that property owners are enabling this problem by clinging to their low taxes.

underrated comment

Great 30 Rock reference!

Just my 2 cents here as someone who’s worked in the entertainment industry...

*throws hat* OOOOKAAAAYYY!

As a fan of the game, this is freaking awesome and I can’t wait to play it on my next flight!

This right here. So sick of the selective outrage. I get it, Cardi’s quotes make for good copy and clicks, but come-the-fuck-on...if a male rapper did this album cover like this we’d have 4 different think pieces talking about “IS THIS REVENGE PORN?!”

Congratulations, you win the award for Worst Mueller Hot Take. Asking someone to repeat a questions and to provide carefully worded and concise answer is not evidence of senility.

Thanks for linking that. The majority of these comments have not aged well. It’s funny to look back and see people predicting that Steam will never catch on. Perhaps we will be looking back at Epic Store comments the same way 10 15 years from now? Either way, it’s interesting that folks seem to think that their

My only regret is that I have only 1 star to give you.

This is the only correct take. 

Holy crap. Overreact much? The dude stated actual, verifiable facts and you hit back with a personal attack?

The fact that Toyota has resisted implementing Android Auto for so long is completely ridiculous. In 2019 there is no excuse for having a brand new car that doesn’t automatically sync up with your phone. It’s time for auto manufactures to accept that they aren’t going to make money off of their navigation systems

Tell that to SSBM players.

Oh the irony...

Yes, I’ve seen that you’ve copied and pasted that as a response several times. You must be one of those people that think you sound more intelligent the more you repeat something.

Lyft and Uber do not do “the exact” same thing. Their pricing can differ at any given time and so do the rates that are paid to the drivers. My brother used Uber’s financing to buy his car but almost exclusively drives for Lyft as he has gotten much better rates through Lyft. So yes, they will be able to find a

That’s exactly what they can do.