
Meh, can’t match to anything Pc can do. Save your money and get a decent PC instead of a half ass gaming machine.

How bout I just punch you unexpectedly in the face next time you sneeze. Nothing says I hate religion or any faith more than hurting another person needlessly. And it’ll teach you to try and spread your white germs.

So a controller made for American children and adult Japanese men. Cool!

Well, Japanese aren’t interested in Microsoft games or product at all, why then would they bring over games from Japan to the US. If I want a Japanese game, I’d get it for my PS4.

If people are allowed to hunt with ARs, then we should be allowed to hunt with RPGs and drone strike.

Bump stock and silencers have no place in civilian hands. Saying that, how can a Libtard like the OP talk about something after watching a few YouTube video. Get an expert to explain it instead of doing a horrible idiotic job at it. Bleeding heart Libtards like him make the required gun control seem like a rant

100-1 says you’re an idiot who doesn’t have a clue and just talking out of your ass.

And it’s “journalist” idiots like the staff of kotaku that propagate the idiocy.

Keyboard smash?! That when you rub your penis while watching porn?

If your son is under 12, the S would be fine. But the X is like high end version. All games run on all system, just depends if you have a 4K tv and want to take full advantage of it.  

If your son is under 12, the S would be fine. But the X is like high end version. All games run on all system, just

Maybe you’re missing the point. As a game “journalist,” you really suck at it. How bout telling us what’s going on and what they showed, not how you feel about it.

So they colonized a whole galaxy. How did they colonize all the billions of worlds? I mean wow! They must be awesome to colonize every fucking system atleast.

I enjoyed the game a bit more than the originally trilogy just because of the exploration aspect. They could have salvaged it, but shame they abandoned it. Gives me some reservation on buying more of their games and having them abandon it again. Guess from now on, no more buying bioware games on day 1. Will wait a

Does the story mode have a character creator?

Just call the police and tell them he molested you and a bunch of your friends. And you had to pay $4.99 for it.

Do it one better. Stick dog shit on his plate and say it’s an Add-on and he owes you $4.99.

Would this work? A jet engine on a train I mean.

Hoping so much to be asked for papers so I can give him a blank piece. I don’t mind taking time off to go through this bulshit just so I can file a lawsuit. More money in the long run.

I think it’s just you. Looks ok to me. And beside, what do you know about soul? Your articles are pointless and have no soul. Just a lot of nitpicking and elitist bullshit.

Why not just say. “It’s all bullshit rigged by the banks to fuck you over. And there’s nothing you can do over it.”