
It’s the military’s fault. They create psychotic assholes that just wants to shoot everything. Thank You AMERICA, Go FUCK YOURSELF!

He’ll probably take it away right after having sex with Malia. I mean, he’s half black and white. The black in him wants to fuck everything, and the white in him wants to fuck family members.

Wow, you’re special!

We should send all the Syrian Refugees to Florida, they can live with the Cuban refugees. I mean, it’s not like anyone really wants to live there. Florida is like the Nation’s Penis and the Nation is Bruce Jenner. 

I’m blaming Star Wars for this! Violent Movies are creating psychos!

FUCK YOU TRUMP! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! Obviously it’s not a Liberal, they would have just thrown a tantrum and chained themselves to a desk after writing a strongly worded letter.

Exactly. Obama can’t seem to go quietly. Thanks Obama! Now go away and go fuck yourself!

Did this to the wife. Things got hot and were tearing each others clothes off. We switched position and when I slammed it in there, she let out this painful cry I have never heard before. Like she was screaming Oh my god and wrong hole and shit that hurts all at the same time. I was deep in and when I tried to

If they do unlimited for $50, I’d say it be worth it. But let’s see how the market plays out. It’s been tried before, who knows, maybe it might be right or still way ahead of its time.

It’s really comes down to how you see leasing? Are you ok with leasing a car or buying one. Leasing, you never get to own on and You have limited usage. Buying , it’s all yours. It if you don’t use it enough, it’s just wasting money with it sitting there. They have both pros and cons.

What kind of jobs? Are they low paying jobs or something you can make into a real career to support a family?

There’s a technical limitation as well, I stream off my 1080 and moonlight and even with fiber on both ends, I still get delays. The delays are ok for civ, but for battlefield, it’s too much. Actually using steam and hamachi, it seems a little better, but not by much.

$25 for 20, ya... have fun with that. You know what they see? $$$

No one in CNN played video games . Even the janitors don’t. They don’t have time for that, they are busy being model citizens.

I just watch Al Jazeera. Most complete and balance news programs with a simple message. Truth, Honesty, and Down with America!

But they are exceptionally incompetent, so it’s all even.

That’s cause u h4xX0r!

It’s only an affair if one of them is married. But again, bowser has children, have they said that he’s married?

Or a fan made visual novel would be awesome.