
Don’t worry, I won’t. SHE’S FUCKING HOT!

So we making up Passports now? Awesome, I want a Roman Empire Passport.


If Hilary won, we’d be going to war with Germany. It’ll obviously start out with Hilary hating on Merkel because she has a nicer bag. Then she’ll talk behind Merkels back with her friends, but all fake when they’re together.

Nevermind about his double chin, look at your flat ass. I’ve seen a bigger ass on a 2x4. And that nose, what the fuck. For a second there, I thought it was a woodpecker. And one of your eyes is a little crooked, makes you look cross-eyed.

What do you think would have happened if your grandpa wasn’t put in that internment camp? You think he’d be alive today? The way america was at that time, he would have been lynched and killed. So ya... YOU’RE WELCOME YOU UNGRATEFUL LOUD MOUTH!


Wow, so easy to call someone a racist. Yes you all do think alike. Deep down you know it.

You conveniently forgot that it was a Liberal that interned the Japanese. News flash! FDR was a liberal democrat. Geeze you Libs are so loose with your facts. You guys are as worse than a Christian Preacher picking and choosing verses from the Bible. And in this case, it’s history.  

No you won’t. You’re a liar and a coward. You don’t even own a gun and you liberals talk of revolution. I’m, news flash, you’d need to be a gun owner to successfully revolt. And last time I checked, they belong to the conservatives you think you’re better than.

It happened, suck it up. It saved the Jap-Americans from being mobbed by people in the street. So... a thank you would be nice.

Sorry your grandfather was inconvenienced, but compare that to the Bataan Death March his people did or to the millions killed in China, Philippines, or all of Asia. Wouldn’t you say a little inconvenience would be called for to make sure they weren’t sleeper agents. Please study more into the war crimes the Japs did

Ya, sometimes it’s your fault because during the relationship you probably over did it to let them feel like they were your world. Maybe you did it just so they feel special.

Seems like you really met someone that you thought you’d be perfect for and you got ghosted. Something happened recently huh?

Could explain why rape is so prevalent in India. Everyone knows it’s wrong, but everyone seems to be doing it.

I think it’s ok to text to put a stop on dating. Breaking up after you’re “official” is just a jerk move.

I got ghosted once after one date, but it didn’t bother me since it really doesn’t matter. But I actually ran into the girl months later and she started talking to me, I didn’t even realize who she was until she apologize and gave some excuse why she did it. Something about she’s not ready for something long term.

True. “You’re an asshole and I hate your guts.” is a lot different and maybe better than ghosting in most situation. It gives closure.

People now get too attached after one or two dates. They end up fooling themselves and running scenarios in their head that might not be based on reality.

Problem with people now is that most are just cowards and afraid of confrontation. It’s really that simple. Ghosting is just a byproduct of that.