
War, especially those who never experienced it first hand, thinks its just some kind of game. The other side is just nameless faceless mob. But every one of those faces that are killed had a family. Have someone they loved and people that loved them. They had their own hopes and dreams. They had their own reason to

How about we don’t.

Well, it is your fault. Should have been wearing a Hijab. Maybe you’ll learn for next time.

Who the fuck wants to go to Zimbabwe? Isn’t that the place you go to to get AIDS?

I’m just hoping that most games will come out on PC and have cross-play because I’m done with this console bullshit. I always thought myself a console gamer with a high end PC, but I’m disappointed now. I’ll just stick to my PC.

Well, hope we can raid the Microsoft campus and kill derange ex-MS employees turned ghoul.

If Hillary wins the Primary, I might just bring myself to Vote for Trump. Sometimes when the system is so screwed up, only way to build better is to destroy the old system. Trump will do that.

Drew is right. Bernie should get out because people are stupid and maybe Drew should just be our leader. He would make a great DICK-tator. /sarcasm

True... So true...

Just goes to show you, you don’t need Charisma, good looks, or a big cock to be the Richest Man alive.

Remember when PCs were called IBM Clones?

Hope he is ok. Wishing for the best outcome for him.

So, I guess I should still use /sarcasm.

ROFLMAO!!! Too funny!

So we can use it to compliment instead? Awesome!!

What patriarchial bullshit? You sit on your ass all day chatting with your friends and I have to go out and build that stupid pyramid for that dumbshit. Let’s see you go build that pyramid!

What you mean, like transgenders?

You know what will really show those conservative douches, those chicks should just start making out and having public lesbian sex. That’ll show those bible thumpers a thing or two about respecting women rights!

So it’s a game about pedophiles?! OMG!!!! YOU SICK.... what.. it’s a Japanese game... Oh, I guess thats okay if your japanese. It’s like eating human fetus in Korea or smoking weed for native americans. It’s ok for them to do it... =\

Personally, I’m just taking into account the rating given by sites like IGN, Kotaku, etc... They are just the number given by one person who could just be a total douche (like Jason over here... jk).