
When I think of martial arts, its has more of an a “spiritual” undertone and series of Katas. Krav Maga doesn’t have that. It’s more of “This guy wants to hurt you, do something about it.”

Good for her. Glad she was able to defend herself. Think self defense should be taught to women, or for anyone for that matter, early in their life.

my friends actually learning it. It’s not your traditional martial art. It’s really not a martial arts at all. Typical training session is you getting “attacked” and instructor showing you how to disable your attacker. It’s fun but intense.

but what about the rights of gay couples? Hatemonger!

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! That is wrong!!!! HE BELONGS WITH POE DAMNIT!

What the cops used. Those heavy black flashlight.

I guess you should add “Learn Krav Maga” to that list.

I am offended!

Dr. Nerdlove, that is some very insightful and realistic viewpoint and some damn good advice. Your columns would have probably helped me when I was younger if I wasn’t hard headed, but I’m the type that if someone tells me that touching fire will burn me, I’m gonna try for myself but with a bit of caution.

Is this what american culture evolved to? As far as the world goes, there is a tradition that the family name being carried is that of the male. Carrying the family name of the man shows the male dominance in most culture and it has been that way because in history, it was the men who provides and protects, and women