
I tweeted this very thing and got a reply from someone “in the know” who said that this show was basically done when Lodge 49 was canceled and initially the idea was that DFE would air in March and April and then Lodge 49 would come back in the fall. So it kind of breaks my heart a bit to know that we were close to

Yvette Nicole Brown is a huge Warren supporter and I think she is handling perfectly. She is disappointed Warren didn’t do better but she isn’t screaming rigged. She was already getting piled on by Bernie supporters and now she said her second choice would be Biden, so the Bernie people are not making the nicest

Can you imagine the uproar if he had touched a woman no matter what the circumstances? His political career would have been over. 

So you’re basically hoping for an Edith Wilson presidency?

I feel that she’s not just protecting her husband, but also my right to have cheese and butter.

A terrible candidate is still a terrible candidate no matter the sexual orientation?

I don’t hate the scooters, I hate the idiots riding them. They tend to combine the worst instincts of pedestrians and bicyclists. You can never anticipate what they’re going to do or where they’re going to go. 

Bout time. Sucks she got robbed of her very rightful Emmy win for Fargo by Gaga, for Gaga’s crappy role in several nearly soft-core sex scenes on American Horror Story. That was lame. 

“Pornhub is actually quite awesome in that it’ll back-pay performers if they can prove ownership of videos uploaded without their consent.”

Why not? It’s clear somebody ought to explain it to you as you understand it so poorly.

Dafuq Jake Tapper? Is he a GOP plant?

Nothing conveys how young he died quite like noting that he was a beloved “grandson.” Didn’t watch any of this stuff but that’s incredibly sad.

Exactly. My dad went through a phase like that as well and believe me, there were a ton of schlubby middle aged Magnum PI wannabes. 

Not a parent, huh?

Sunny is personally against abortion, because she's Catholic, but she is vehemently pro-choice.

While I’d generally agree with you on the trope being overused, it’s framed far better than you imply here. This ends up being a lot more about Mike having developed into a genuine teenage asshole to Hopper than said policing.

Seriously. Warren has the specifics on her policy/proposals/platforms in a way that Bernie didn’t even when he was still refusing to accept defeat in 2016. It has impressed a LOT of people.

Reminiscent of how he dismissed Planned Parenthood and the Human Right Fund’s endorsements of Hillary as being because they were part of the establishment so of course they went for her, the establishment candidate.

I’m not sure he can get the hispanic vote for sure, considering he doesn’t even speak Spanish. That fact may turn some voters off if he runs as The Hispanic Candidate. 

Your are absolutely silly. Latino voters are, as a block, far more conservative then most in the Democratic party think. AOC is to liberal. She might be the first president IF the first Latino president won’t be elected for another twentyfive years. If it happens before then (it probably will) she definitely won’t be